From Compliance to Excellence – Aug 29

August 29, 2024, via Zoom
10:00 AM Arizona

This keynote presentation will help leaders understand the value of a Baldrige-based performance excellence journey – above and beyond an award. Participants will walk away with tools to communicate the value of a performance excellence journey. Major content: Many organizations look at quality award programs like Baldrige as a method to gain recognition for their work. But it isn’t that easy – organizations recognized at the highest level must demonstrate role model performance. The Baldrige Award is recognition for the hard work required to become a role model organization.

This webinar will discuss the value of a performance excellence journey beyond an addition to the company’s trophy shelf. Senior leaders must be committed to the performance excellence journey, but frequently don’t recognize the program’s value beyond an award program. The Baldrige Criteria are based on a set of “Core Values and Concepts” that describe the characteristics of a high-performing organization. Senior leaders who understand the value of the evidence-based Core Values and Concepts recognize the benefit of using the Baldrige Framework to focus, align, and accelerate their performance excellence journeys. If an organization aspires to be represented by the foundational Core Values and Concepts, then the Baldrige Criteria is a road map to help them get there. The webinar will discuss practical methods to engage senior leaders in the move from compliance to performance excellence. It will also provide an example of a leadership system to demonstrate the value of the Baldrige Framework as an integrated management system.

Key points:

  • The concept of “compliance” versus “excellence”
  • Why is it important to focus on excellence in addition to compliance?
  • The concept of the Baldrige-based application as a “management document”
  • The value of a Baldrige-based performance excellence journey – beyond an award


About the Presenter:

Paul Grizzell
President,·Core Values Partners, Inc.

Paul Grizzell, President of Core Values Partners, Inc., helps organizations focus, align, and accelerate their improvement efforts using the Baldrige Excellence Framework, the China Quality Award, and the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). These programs are proven to help organizations reach high levels of performance results when effectively deployed. Paul is a Master Examiner on the Department of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Board of Examiners and an Assessor for the European Quality Award. Paul is the only person with these two qualifications, demonstrating his commitment to global performance excellence.

Paul has led multiple site visits for Baldrige and various other programs. He is a Judge for several quality award programs including the American Health Care Association. He has trained hundreds of Baldrige and state quality award examiners during 27 years of Baldrige participation. He is a senior member of the American Society for Quality. He is a frequent keynote presenter at performance excellence conferences.  Paul’s international experience includes serving as the Foreign Evaluation Expert and on the 8th Academic Committee for the China Association for Quality (CAQ), where he has provided guidance to China Quality Award site visit teams. He trains Examiners for the Thailand Quality Award. Paul has delivered performance excellence keynote addresses in Saudi Arabia, India, China, and Thailand.

Paul is co-author with Mark Blazey of Insights to Performance Excellence, Using the Baldrige Framework and Other Integrated Management Systems, published by the American Society for Quality.