Workshops , Webinars and Short Courses


Colleagues having a work meeting through a video call.

Performance Excellence related content:

  • Baldrige Overview for Executives (*upon request)
  • Baldrige Basics and Beyond (webinar)
  • “Third Thursday” free monthly webinars sponsored by TPE (variety of speakers and topics)
    • Registration is free – Check the bottom of the SWAE Landing Page for Information and Links
  • Leading Indicators for Improved Performance
  • Best Practices in Employee Engagement
  • Data Visualization to Engage Employees and Accelerate Improvement (July 9 free webinar. See Events page)
  • Translating Voice of the Customer (VOC) into Product and Process Requirements (August 13 free webinar. See Events page)
  • Best Practices for Building a Culture for Continuous Improvement and Innovation (September 17 free webinar. See Events page)
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Strategic Planning: Understanding KPIs and OKRs

Performance Excellence Program (PEP)-specific tools:

  • Using a Process Description Tool to Nail ADLI
  • Application Writing web series (multiple 1-hour sessions with “homework” in between and feedback on that work)
  • Avoiding the Top 10 Failure Modes in Preparing Applications
  • Improved Scoring and Feedback Writing

Short Courses and Workshops

  • Baldrige 101 Workshop (8 hrs: 2×4) $325/person
  • Baldrige 201 Workshop (8 hrs: 2×4) $325/person
  • Translating VOC to Product Design for Superior Customer Experiences
  • Strategic Planning & Deployment Using the 7 Mgmt & Planning Tools and Hoshin kanri
  • Examiner Training

Baldrige Workshops

The Baldrige Framework provides a seven-category framework that defines what is most important to an organization’s success.  This workshop is an introduction to the Framework, including information on the Organizational Profile (OP) – questions that set the context for the organization’s operations and serve as an overarching guide for your performance management system. The Organizational Profile is the most appropriate starting point for self-assessment and preparing an organization-level application.

This workshop is critically important for the following reasons:

  • It helps the organization identify gaps in key information and focus on key performance requirements and results.
  • You can use it as an initial self-assessment. If you identify topics for which conflicting, little, or no information is available,  use these topics for action planning.
  • It sets the context for your responses to the Baldrige Framework requirements in Categories 1-7.

This workshop provides the opportunity for your Leadership Team to learn the common vocabulary of the Baldrige Framework, define your organization’s key business factors, and learn how to answer the questions in the Organizational Profile.

The Baldrige 101 workshop is for beginners who want to know more about the Baldrige Framework and its criteria. Bladrige 101 introduces the Core Values and Concepts, the Framework, the Organization Profile, the process & results Scoring systems, and focuses on the “Basic” and “Overall” requirements. Baldrige 101 uses the Baldrige Framework Builder as its main reference.

The Baldrige 201 workshop is intended for organizations already on their Performance Excellence journey and needs to focus on the “Multiples” level requirements to achieve and sustain Excellence. The full version of the Baldrige Framework is used as the main reference in Bladrige 201 workshops.

Shorter, “introductory” versions of Baldrige training are available: Baldrige for Executives and Baldrige Basics. Additionally, the SWAE offers coaching, consulting, assessments, and recognition.

Annual Examiner Training

Examiner training is offered as both an individual professional career development opportunity as well as training necessary for employees of an applicant who plan to participate on a PEP Assessment Team. Examiner Training is scheduled at once per year, and when an applicant has submitted an Intent to Apply for the PEP journey.

Click here for information, dates, and pricing.